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Company Profile

Asiatic Panel

Asiatic Panel was incorporated in 1986. In the early years, we were manufacturers for fiber glass, we were previously known as Asiatic Art Fiber Trading Company. Over the years, our company progressed and developed to become one of the leading Panels supplier for the Asian market which is also currently known as Asiatic Panel Pte Ltd.

Our Mission & Vision

Asiatic Panel’s mission is to deliver top quality panel products and services in a reliable, safe and cost efficient manner which creates value for the Asian market. Our vision is to be the recognized leader of the Asian plastic industry. Being a leader means we will achieve operational excellence, industry-leading customer satisfaction and superior logistics integration.

Attitude is a little thing that
makes a great difference.

CEO, Asiatic Panel

Our Story EditionInterview with Main Director

Jason, the founder of Asiatic Panel, started out as a manufacturer and designer for fiber glass doors. Initially fiber glass was great business, but over the years, as the industry developed, customers started phasing out fiber glass. Facing with such make or break situation, his understanding of the market and sensitive business intuition worked well for him. After much considerations, he decided to make a quick change to his business direction entirely and became one of the first few supplier for plastic panels.

Sally is the co-founder of the company. During the initial years when the company was dealing with fiber glass, she took charge of the designing aspect and administration aspect of the business. Over the years, while dealing with administration and finance matters, work made her a firmed and meticulous person. While Jason took care of business development matters, she provided seamless administration and finance support to ensure that the business dealings were completed efficiently with high customer satisfaction. Sally was indeed the right hand man of Jason.

Our Culture

Our Environment

We cultivate safety habits to create a safe environment. We ensure that all our employees work in a safe and sound environment. We do not take safety for granted, it is everyone’s responsibility

Our People, Our Success

Our people determine our success. The hard work and effort put in by our people, bring Asiatic Panels to where we are today. Thus, it is important for us to always treat our people right and ensure fair employment practices

Corporate Social Responsibility

The society reflects who we are as an organisation, we believe that all the achievements we’ve made over the years, we owe it to the society. As such, we do our part to contribute back to the society by actively taking part in social causes. We hope through such initiatives, we can create a better society for everyone to work, live and play in.

Our People, Our Family

Asiatic Panel is a humble company initially started out with 5 people, we are very proud that over the years, our company has developed and our team has grew to embrace people from different culture and countries coming together as one.

Our people from diverse background brings together a wealth of experiences, strengths and specializations which pushes boundaries, develops ideas and brings the team forward.

We focus on three key elements to our people’s success:


In Asiatic Panels, we value our people’s strength. We provide every employees space and opportunities to develop and excel their specialization.

Holistic Development

To ensure that the company and our people stay relevant in the industry, we enrolled them for courses periodically. This is to ensure that our people have the latest updates of the industry and equipped with the correct tools to bring the company forward.


We view our monthly get together session as an important company event. This is to bring everyone in the company from operators to management together as one. Through such events, we’ve eliminated status difference in the company, bring everyone closer. We take pride in our people.